Продукти за газ 4am nrv 50c (1)

Ротационен лазер Theis Vision Align 2N - Хоризонтален/Вертикален двоен наклонен лазер с подравняване

Ротационен лазер Theis Vision Align 2N - Хоризонтален/Вертикален двоен наклонен лазер с подравняване

The Vison 2N Align is a horizontal/vertical two-axis incline laser with the TE 90 ALIGN receiver for automated alignment and automatic inclination adjustment in two axes. It features easy operation and fast targeting. In addition, the automatic inclination adjustment is up to +/- 15% and the range is at least 80 meters, up to 200 meters depending on conditions.